Letter XVI.

From: Love-Letters of Margaret Fuller, 1845-1846
Published: 1903 New York

Tuesday evening, 8th April.

  The Cedar Street merchant did well. Say, was that street selected from any association with Lebanon? How far the name wanders from the thing in this world!

  Josey1 commends himself to you with a mild but fond regret, if I read aright the glance of his eye, when I told him of your inquiries. He seems very content, but I marvel at him for it, for he is kept close a great deal. Sarah says she gives him a bath every day, but he does not look as he did with you. When you come out, perhaps you will give Henry some directions; he appears to have more respect for the toilet than any member of this family except myself, and I should be sorry to have your pet get a dilapidated air! He rejoices when he sees me and cries after me when I go, but I fear, there is no especial devotion in that, but that he is a general lover, and more affectionate than deep in his feelings. The only fine day since you were here, I took him out with me, and for a while we were very happy together, but, when I fell a-dreaming, he disappeared and I had a sad time looking for him. I was so distressed, lest he should be lost,—and by me. At last, I found the sun was burning me so, I went back for my bonnet, which I had forgotten, and beside it I found poor Josey looking as if he felt as disturbed about me, as I had about him. When he has a collar, I shall not feel anxious in having him with me.

  This has been a sad day—so cruel cold; it hurts me. This morning all the Bowers lay with their poor heads on the ground and ice clinging round them, the blue-eyed Bowers, that looked up so trusting to the blue sky; the golden Bowers that looked up so full of joy and sure of the sun. May to-morrow be more genial! With love, Gute Nacht.

  P. S. It is, indeed, such a worthless little note, but I am sad. Two such dissipated days, and here at night comes a thick book, named “American Facts” and forbidding me to look at that best fact, the Moon. Help me, my friend! be the Oasis with its fountain and its palm. I go to seek you in the land of dreams!

1 A handsome Newfoundland puppy.

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