Letter IV.

From: Love-Letters of Margaret Fuller, 1845-1846
Published: 1903 New York

Friday evening.

I feel the need of writing, just to say good evening. Dear friend, good night—a good day I cannot suppose you have had. But there was a good day along the riverside; I have felt so contented since, scarcely one little wish yet. When there has been time, a cloud of thoughts have floated over, thoughts suggested by the inspirations of your mind; but it was not a dark cloud, but one silvery white, full and volumed, such as we see in the days of early June upon a bright blue sky. But there has been little solitary time. I have with me the two girls, Georgiana and Honora;* they are preparing for their pilgrimage in a happy spirit. I brought Honora out with me to-day and had a full talk as we were walking. The love and trust shown by many seem to have given a new development to her mental history. Her eyes are full of a good young herzlich look. I think she is naturally artful in the sense of having a great deal of tact, but that it may all be turned to good. They leave me to-morrow. The Springs are again prevented from going to Staten Island, and will, I think, be prevented for several Sundays, probably till after I lose you-this is a relief to me. Even when I do not see you, I had rather not go out elsewhere, especially to ride. But I hope I shall see you next Sunday. We will worship by impromptu symbols, till the religion is framed for all Humanity. The beauty grows around us daily, the trees now are all in blossom and some of the vines; there is a Crown Imperial just in perfection, to which I paid my evening worship by the light of the fire, which reached to us, and there are Bashes of lightning too. But I do not like the lightning so well as once, having been in too great danger. Yet just now a noble flash falls upon my paper, it ought to have noble thoughts to illumine, instead of these little nothings, but indeed to-night I write only to say: thou dear, dear friend, and we must meet soon.

* Two erring young girls she tried to reform.

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