Letter I.

From: Love-Letters of Margaret Fuller, 1845-1846
Published: 1903 New York


  My mind dwells often on what you are to tell me. I have long had a presentiment, that I should meet-nearly—one of your race, who would show me how the sun of to-day shines upon the ancient Temple—but I did not expect so gentle and civilized an apparition and with blue eyes! It was one of those little incidents that have in them somewhat fateful, that, last Monday morning, a friend with whom I was walking asked me to go in and see the Jerusalem,* and I at first said yes, and then, I do not know-why, changed my mind. But in the evening, you asked me and told me of yourself. Some day, when you are not bound to buying and selling, and I too am free, and when the sun shines as gloriously as it has some days of late, and the birds are again in full song, you will perhaps take me from Dr. Leger’s in the morning, and show me some one of those beautiful places which I do not yet know, and, while I look, I will listen too, and, as we return, you will show me the “Holy city.” On my side I have a poem I wish to read to you; it is 80 correspondent with the story you told me. Is this little plan a dream? If so, it will only fade like other buds of this premature spring. To-morrow will be the first day of spring.

* A plastic representation of that city then on exhibition.

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