No. III.
January 1841.
January 1841.
- Man in the Ages.
- Afternoon.
- Questionings.
- Endymion.
- Hymn and Prayer.
- Klopstock and Meta.
- The True in Dreams.
- The Magnolia of Lake Pontchartrain.
- Love and Insight.
- Sunset.
- Give us an Interpreter.
- [Birds shooting swiftly]
- Ideals of Every-Day Life. No. I.
- To Nydia.
- The Violet.
- Stanzas.
- German Literature.
- The Snow-Storm.
- Menzel’s View of Goethe.
- Suum Cuique.
- The Sphinx.
- Orphic Sayings.
- Woman.
- Sonnet.
- Thoughts on Art.
- Glimmerings.
- Correspondences.
- Color and Light.
- My Thoughts.
- The Riddle.
- The Ocean.
- Letters from Italy on the Representatives of Italy.
- To the Ideal.
- Michael Angelo considered as a Philosophic Poet, with Translations.
- Select List of Recent Publications.
- Organic Chemistry . . .
- Daub’s philosophiche . . .