Select List of Recent Publications.

From: The Dial, Vol. I, No. II (Oct. 1840)
Published: Weeks Jordan and Company 1840 Boston

Select List of Recent Publications.

AIRS of Palestine, and other Poems. By John Pierpont. Boston: James Munroe and Company. 12mo. pp. 334.
Specimens of Foreign Standard Literature. Edited by George Ripley. Vols. VII., VIII., IX. Containing German Literature, translated from the German of Wolfgang Menzel. By C. C. Felton. In Three Volumes. Boston: Hilliard, Gray, and Company. 12mo. pp. 352, 428.
Two Years before the Mast. A Personal Narrative of Life at Sea. New York: Harper and Brothers. 12mo. pp. 483.
Theory of Legislation; by Jeremy Bentham. Translated from the French of Etienne Dumont, by R. Hildreth. In Two Volumes. Boston: Weeks, Jordan, and Company. 12mo. pp. 278, 268.
The Law and Custom of Slavery in British India, in a Series of Letters to Thomas Fowell Buxton, Esq. By William Adam. Boston: Weeks, Jordan, and Company. 12mo. pp. 279.
The Laboring Classes. An Article from the Boston Quarterly Review. By O. A. Brownson. Third Edition. Boston: Benjamin H. Greene. 8vo. pp. 24.
Oration before the Democracy of Worcester and Vicinity, delivered at Worcester, Mass., by O. A. Brownson, July 4, 1840. Boston and Worcester. 8vo. pp. 38.
Remarks on the Bunker Hill Monument, addressed to the Ladies engaged in getting up the Fair for its Completion. By Elliott. Portsmouth: C. W. Brewster. 12mo. pp. 12.
A Discourse on Liberty, delivered before an Assembly of the Friends of Emancipation, in the Christian Chapel, in Providence, July 4, 1840. By Thomas P. Rodman. Providence. 8vo. pp. 15.
Faust; A Dramatic Poem, by Goethe. Translated into English Prose, with Notes, &c. By A. Hayward, Esq. First American, from the third London Edition. Lowell and New York. 12mo. pp. 317.
A Collection of the Political Writings of William Leggett, selected and arranged, with a Preface, by Theodore Sedgwick, Jr. In Two Volumes. New York. 12mo. pp. 312, 336.
Social Destiny of Man: or Association and Reorganization of Industry. By Albert Brisbane. Philadelphia. 12mo. pp. 480.
The Ecclesiastical and Political History of the Popes of Rome, during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. By Leopold Ranke. Translated from the German, by Sarah Austin. In Three Volumes. London: Murray.
Poetry for the People and other Poems. By Richard Monckton Milnes. London: Moxon.
Democracy in America. Part the Second. By Alexis De Tocqueville. In Two Volumes. Translated by Henry Reeve, Esq. London.
The Life of Luther; with Notices and Extracts of his Popular Writings. Translated from the German of Gustavus Pfizer, by T. S. Williams. With an Introductory Essay, by the Author of “Natural History of Enthusiasm.” London.
The Universal Tendency to Association in Mankind, analyzed and illustrated. With Practical and Historical Notices of the Bonds of Society, as regards Individuals and Communities. By John Dunlop, Esq. London.
The Last Days of a Condemned. From the French of M. Victor Hugo. By Sir P. Hesketh Fleetwood, Bart., M. P. London.
Account of the Recent Persecution of the Jews at Damascus: With Reflections thereon, and an Appendix, containing various Documents connected with the Subject. By David Solomons, Esq. London.
The Fine Arts in England, their State and Prospects, considered relatively to National Education. Part I. The Administrative Economy of the Fine Arts. By Edward Edwards, of the British Museum. London.
Memoirs and Letters of Sir Samuel Romilly, with his Political Diary. Edited by his Sons. Second Edition. In Three Volumes. London. 8vo.
Goethe’s Theory of Colors. Translated from the German, and edited, with Notes, by Charles Lock Eastlake, R. A. London.
Materialism in Religion; or Religious Forms and Theological Formulas. Three Lectures, delivered at the Chapel in South Place, Finsbury. By Philip Harwood. London.
Early days in the Society of Friends, exemplifying the Obedience of Faith in some of its First Members. By Mary Ann Kelty. London.
The Protestant Exiles of Zillerthal; their Persecutions and Expatriation from the Tyrol, on separating from the Romish Church and embracing the Reformed Faith. Translated from the German of Dr. Rheinwald, of Berlin, by John B. Saunders. Second Edition. London.
Des Ameliorations Materielles dans leurs Rapports avec la Liberte, par C. Pecqueur. Paris. 12mo. pp. 363.
Cours d’Histoire de la Philosophie Morale au dix-huitième Siècle, Professè a la Faculte des Lettres en 1819 et 1820, par M. V. Cousin, Premiere Partie.—Ecole Sensualiste, publieè par M. G. Vacherot. 8vo. pp. 354.
Œuvres completes de Platon, traduites du Grec en Français, accompagnées d’Argumens philosophiques, de Notes historiques et philologiques. Par Victor Cousin. Tome XIII. Appendice.

  This volume completes the great enterprise of M. Cousin, to which he has devoted the labors of nearly twenty years. Every student of modern literature can now find easy access to the thoughts of the Athenian master, as they are here clothed in the enticing and graceful style of one of the best French prose writers. This admirable translation is not the least service, which M. Cousin has rendered to the interests of philosophical learning. The reception, which it has found among us, is a good omen for those who believe that the highest truth is not the exclusive privilege of the scholar. May it help to diffuse more widely the pure love of beauty, the spirit of contemplation, and the clear perception of moral good, which alone can save our age!

Ueber Shakspeare’s dramatische Kunst und sein Verhältniss zu Calderon und Goethe. Von Dr. Hermann Ulrici. Halle.

  In this work the author gives a succinct history of the English Drama up to the time of Shakspeare, thus putting the reader in possession of the poet’s point of sight; a picture of the age in which he lived, when the pomp of the middle ages acted strongly on the mind set free by the Protestant Reformation. Then follows an account of the poet’s life, and the greater part of the book is devoted to “a development of Shakspeare’s poetic vision of the world.” This book is spoken of in the Halle Allgemeine Literatur Zeitung in terms of high commendation. The author has the “Philosophic depth,” which we vainly look for in Schlegel’s criticism of the great poet.

Geschichte des Urchristenthums durch A. Fr. Gfrörer, Professor Bibliothekar in Stuttgart. I. Das Jahrhundert des Heils. 2 vols. 8vo. II. Die Heilige Sage. 2 vols. 8vo. III. Das Heiligthum und die Wahrheit. Stuttgart. 1838-1840.

  Professor Gfrörer is the author of another work, “Philo und die Alexandrinische Theosophie,” which he regards as the vestibule of his present edifice. In the early volumes, as we understand, he attempts to derive Christianity from the Essenes, but in the latter, obeying the public cry against Strauss, he attempts to find its origin in Jesus. It appears to be a work of great pretensions and little merit, if we may judge from two able articles upon it, one in the Berlin Jahrbücher, and the other in the Halle Allg. Literatur Zeitung.

Rabbinische Quellen und Parallelen zu neutestamentlichen Stellen mit Benutzung der Schriften von Lightfoot, Wetstein Meuschen, Schöttgen, Danz etc. Zusammengestellt von F. Nork. Leipzig. 8vo.

  This is the last production of a writer formerly hostile to Christianity. His real name is Korn; he has been a Jewish Priest, but has lately come over to Christianity.

Der Somnambulismus von Prof. Friedr. Fischer. in Basel. Vol. I. Das Schlafwandeln und die Vision. Vol. II. Der thierische Magnetismus. Vol. III. Das Hellsehen und die Besessenheit. 8vo.
Historische Entwickelung der speculativen Philosophie von Kant bis Hegel. Zu naherer Verständisgung des wissenschaftlichen Publicums mit der neuesten Schule dargestellt, von Heinrich Chalybäus. 2d edition. 8vo. Dresden. Moritz.

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