History of the Popes.

From: The Dial, Vol. I, No. II (Oct. 1840)
Published: Weeks Jordan and Company 1840 Boston

  The Ecclesiastical and Political History of the Popes of Rome, during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. By Leopold Ranke. Translated from the German, by Sarah Austin. In Three Volumes. London: Murray.

  This beautiful work gives a sketch of the history of the Church from the time of Christ to Leo Tenth; then a minute history of the epoch of the Reformation, and especially of the attempts made in good faith, within the church, for its reformation, and shows how these proved abortive, notwithstanding the sincerity and enlightened views of many Catholic prelates. The rise and progress, corruption and destruction of the Jesuits is carefully told. The work closes with a view of the history of the church up to the time of Napoleon; and the present state of things. In design and execution, the work is truly a poem; and it has been adequately translated.

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