Lawfulness of War Footnotes.

From: Essays on the Principles of Morality, and on the Private and Political Rights and Obligations of Mankind (1834).
Author: Jonathan Dymond
Published: Harper & Brothers 1834 Philadelphia

Lawfulness of War Footnotes.

1 Lord Clarendon’s Essays.
2 Ibid.
3 Priestley.
4 Life of Bishop Watson.
5 Ibid.
6 Southey’s History of Brazil.
7 Essays—The Paterines or Gazan of Italy in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries, “held that it was not lawful to bear arms or to kill mankind.”
8 Matt. v. 38, &c.
9 Matt. v. 21, 22.
10 Yet the retention of both has been, unhappily enough, attempted. In a late publication, of which a part is devoted to the defence of war, the author gravely recommends soldiers, while shooting and stabbing their enemies, to maintain towards them a feeling of “good will!”—Tracts and Essays by the late William Hey, Esq., F.R.S. And Gisborne; in his Duties of Men, holds similar language. He advises the soldier, “never to forget the common ties of human nature by which he is inseparably united to his enemy!”
11 It is manifest, from the New Testament, that we are not required to give “a cloak,” in every case, to him who robs us of “a coat;” but I think it is equally manifest that we are required to give it not the less because he has robbed us, the circumstance of his having robbed us does not entail an obligation to give; but it also does not impart a permission to withhold. If the necessities of the plunderer require relief, it is the business of the plundered to relieve them.
12 Matt. v.9.
13 Matt. xxvi.52.
14 James iv.1.
15 2 Cor. x.4.
16 Matthew viii. 10.
17 “Christianity, soliciting admission into all nations of the world, abstained, as behooved it, from intermeddling with the civil institutions of any. But does it follow, from the silence of Scripture concerning them, that all the civil institutions which then prevailed were right or that the bad should not be exchanged for better?”— Paley.
18 Luke xxii. 36. Upon the interpretation of this passage of Scripture, I would subjoin the sentiments of two or three authors. Bishop Pearce says, “It is plain that Jesus never intended to make any resistance, or suffer a sword to be used on this occasion.” And Campbell says, “We are sure that he did not intend to be understood literally, but as speaking of the weapons of their spiritual warfare.” And Beza: “—This whole speech is allegorical: My fellow—soldiers, you have hither to live in peace, but now a dreadful war is at hand; so that omitting all other things, you must think only of arms. But when he prayed in the garden and reproved Peter for smiting with the sword, be himself showed what those arms were.” –See Peace and War an Essay. Hatchard, 1824.
19 See Rights of War and Peace.
20 Luke xiv.31.
21 Isaiah ii.4.
22 Id. xi.9.
23 Id. lx.18.
24 Galatians i.8.
25 1 Chron. xxii 7, 8.

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