Immediate Communication of the Will of God Footnotes.

From: Essays on the Principles of Morality, and on the Private and Political Rights and Obligations of Mankind (1834).
Author: Jonathan Dymond
Published: Harper & Brothers 1834 Philadelphia


1 Adventurer, No. 91.
2 “By conscience, all men are restrained from intentional ill:—it infallibly directs us to avoid guilt, but is not intended to secure us from error.”—Advent. No. 91.
3 Dr. Price.
4 Essay on Toleration, p.8.
5 Works, v.l.p.55. f.1740.
6 Rom. xiv.
7 Dr. Hutcheson: Inquiry concerning Moral Good and Evil.
8 Bishop Butler: Inquiry on Virtue.
9 Eph. v.13.
10 Sermons.
11 Sermon 7.
12 Sermon 18.
3 John Le Clerc.
4 Characteristics.
5 Dr. Reid: Essays on the Power of the Human Mind, Ess. 3, c.8, &c.
6 John i.2.
7 Essay on Truth.
8 Review of Principal Questions in Morals.
9 Philos. Essays.
20 Eternal and Immutable Morality.
2 Crimes and Punishments, Com. c.14.
22 Dr. Shepherd’s Discourse on Future Existence.
23 Essay, b.2, c.28.
24 Dr.Southey: Book of the Church, c. 10.
25 West. Rev. No. l.
26 Influence of Physical Causes The Moral Faculty.
27 Theory of Mor. Sent.
28 Mor. And Pol. Phil. b.1, c.5.
29 Sermons.
30 Par. Lost, iii. 194.
31 P. 81.
32 Lib. 5, sect. 27.
33 Lib. 1, c. 14.
34 1 Cor. iii. 17.
35 De Benef. c. 17, &c.
36 1 Cor. iii. 16.
37 Gurney: Essays on Christianity, p. 516.
38 Mor. And Pol. Phil. b. 1, c. 4.
39 I am disposed to offer a simple testimony to what I believe to be a truth; —that even in the present day, the Divine illumination and power is sometimes imparted to individuals in a degree much greater than is necessary for the purposes of mere moral direction; that on subjects connected with their own personal condition or that of others, light is sometimes imparted in greater brightness and splendour than is ordinarily enjoyed by mankind, or than is necessary for our ordinary direction in life.
40 Hancock: Essay on Instinct, &c. p. 2, c. 7, s. l. I take this opportunity of acknowledging the obligations I am under to this work, for many of the “Opinions” which are cited in the last section.
41 Job Scott’s Journal, c. i.
42 Jer. xxxi. 33.
43 Heb. vii. 10; and x. 16.
44 John vi. 45.
45 Iss. xxx. 20, 21.
46 Gal. iv. 6.
47 1 John iii. 24.
48 l Cor. vi. 19.
49 l Cor. iii. 16.
50 Thess. iv. 9.
51 Tit. ii. 11, 12.
52 l Cor. xii. 7.
53 Luke ii. 32.
54 John viii. 12.
55 John i. 9.
56 Rom. ii. 14.
57 Jer. xxxi.33.
58 Not urged specifically, perhaps, against the Divine guidance; but they will equally afford an illustration of the truth.
59 Mor. and Pol. Phil. b. 1, c. 5.
60 Theory Mor. Sent. p. 5, c. 2.
61 Disc.on Study of Law of Nature and Nations.
62 John Richardson’s Life.
63 Ibid.

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