The Religious-Establishment-of England and Ireland Footnotes.

From: Essays on the Principles of Morality, and on the Private and Political Rights and Obligations of Mankind (1834).
Author: Jonathan Dymond
Published: Harper & Brothers 1834 Philadelphia

The Religious Establishment of England and Ireland Footnotes.

1 The religious sect who are now commonly called Puritans “prohibited the use of the Common Prayer, not merely in churches, chapels, and places of public-worship, but in any private place or family as well, under a penalty of five pounds for the first offence, ten pounds for the second, and for the third a year’s imprisonment.” (a) These men did not understand or did not practise the fundamental duties of toleration. For religious liberty they had still less regard. “They passed an ordinance by which eight heresies were made punishable with death upon the first offence, unless the offender abjured his errors, and irremissibly if he relapsed. Sixteen other opinions were to be punished with imprisonment till the offender should find sureties that he would maintain them no more.”(b) And they quite abolished the episcopal rank and order. As if each church might not decide for itself by what form its discipline should be conducted! To have separated the civil privileges from the episcopal order was within the province of the legislature,—and to have abolished those, privileges would, we think, have been wise.
        (a) Southey’s Book of the Church.        (b) Ib.
2 Bishop Warburton’s Letters to Bishop Hurd, Letter xivii.
3 Simpson’s Plea, p. 137.
4 Essay on Man, 1749, v.ii. p. 370.
5 Myst. of Iniquity, p. 553. This poor man found that his language laboured under the imputation of being unclerical, unguarded, and impolitic; and he afterward showed solicitude to retract it. See p. 476, &c. of the same work.
6 Dr. Lowth, afterward Bishop of London: Visitation Sermon, 1758.
7 Dr. Watson, Bishop of Landaff: Misc. Tracts, v.ii. p. 17, &c.
8 Bishop Burnet: Hist. Own Times, v.ii. p. 634.
9 Simpson’s Plea.
10 Ib.
11 Simpson’s Plea.
12 Works: Edit. 1803, v.ii. p. 527.
13 Bishop Watson: Misc. Tracts, v.ii.
14 Works of Bishop Porteus, vol. i.
15 Bishop Burnet: Hist. Own Times, v.ii. p. 634.
16 Bishop Watson: Miscel. Tracts, v.ii. p. 17.
17 Lord George Germain.
18 Sir William Meredith.
19 Lord John Cavendish.
20 Sir George Saville.
21 Par. Hist. v.xvii. The petition, after all this, was rejected by two hundred and seventeen votes against seventy-one. Can any thing more clearly indicate the fear of reforming?—a fear that extends itself to the state, because the state thinks (with reason or without it) that to endanger the stability of the church were to endanger its own.
22 The Confessional.
23 Simpson’s Plea.
24 A Defence of the Considerations on the Propriety of requiring a Subscription to Articles of Faith. By Dr. Paley: p. 35.
25 Letters on the subject of the British and Foreign Bible Society, by the present Lord Bexley.
26 Southey: Book of the Church, c. 6.
27 Knox’s Essays, No. 18.
28 Mor. and Pol. Phil. b.6, c.10.
29 Gisborne’s Duties of Men.
30 Knox’s Essays, No. 53.
31 Warburton’s Letters to Hurd, No. 47.
32 Mor. and Pol. Phil. p. 266.
33 Warburton’s Letters to Hurd, No. 47.
34 Hartley: Observations on Man.
35 Disc. of the Pastoral Care, 12th ed. p. 77. “Under Lanfranc’s primacy no promotion in the church was to be obtained by purchase, neither was any unfit person raised to the episcopal rank.” (a)
(a) Southey: Book of the Church, chap. 7.
36 Upon such persons “rest the awful responsibility (I might almost call it the divine prerogative) of assigning a flock to the shepherd, and of selecting a shepherd for the flock.”—Gurney’s Peculiarities, 3d. ed. p. 164.
37 Christian Observer, v. xx. p. 11.
38 Southey: Book of the Church, c. 6.
39 For these examples see Simpson’s Plea. I say nothing of present examples.
40 Burnet: Hist. Own Times, v. ii. p. 646.
41 Gisborne: Duties of Men.
42 The diocess of St. David’s is not included, and the return includes some dignities, sinecures, and dilapidated churches. It cites that of 1810. I do not know but that the details are substantially the same at the present time.
  Here it may be observed how imperfect is the argument (see Paley) that a religious establishment does good by keeping an enlightened man in each parish.—Men. in the MS.
43 Vicessimus Knox: Christian Philosophy, 3d ed. p. 24.
44 Vicessimus Knox: Christian Philosophy, 3d ed. p. 23.
45 Hartley: Observations on Man.
46 Simpson’s Plea, 3d edit. p. 76.
47 Observations on the Liturgy, by an under-secretary of State
48 Misc. Tracts by Watson, Bishop of Landaff, v.ii. p. 49.
49 Wilberforce: Practical View, 6th edit. p. 389.
50 Quarterly Review, April, 1816, p. 233.
51 Letters between Bishop Warburton and Bishop Hurd.
52 Gisborne: Duties of Men.
53 Gisborne: Duties of Men.
54 Essays, No. 10.
55 Dr. Howley, Bishop of London: Charge, 1814, p. 25.
56 On the Nature of Schism, by C. Daubeny, Archdeacon of Sarum, p. 153.
57 First words of Southey’s Book of the Church.
58 Moral Sketches, 3d edit. p. 90.

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