The Influence of Individuals upon Public Notions of Morality Footnotes.

From: Essays on the Principles of Morality, and on the Private and Political Rights and Obligations of Mankind (1834).
Author: Jonathan Dymond
Published: Harper & Brothers 1834 Philadelphia


1 Essay ii. chap. 7.
2 Rees’s Encyclop. Art. Philos. Moral.
3 Knox’s Essays. No. 34.
4 Blair. Serm. 9.
5 Dr. Carpenter insists upon similar truths, upon somewhat different subjects. “If children hear us express as much approbation, and in the same terms, of the skill of a gentleman coach-driver, of the abilities of a philosophical lecturer, and of an individual who has just performed an elevated act of disinterested virtue, is it possible that they should not feel great confusion of ideas? If each is termed a noble fellow, and with the same emphasis and animation, how can the youthful understanding calculate with sufficient accuracy so as to appreciate the import of the expression in the same way that we should do?”—Principles of Education—“Consciences.”
6 The trial is reported in the Caledonian Mercury of Sept. 25, 1826.
7 “The virtues are nearly related, and live in the greatest harmony with each other.”—OPIE.
8 It is pleasant to hear an intelligent woman say, “I cannot tell how or why the love of glory is less a selfish principle than the love of riches:”(a) and it is pleasant to hear one our then principal reviews say, “Glory is the most selfish of all passions except love.”(b) That which is selfish can hardly be very virtuous.
  (a) Memoirs of late Jane Taylor.
  (b) Westm.: Rev. No. 13.
9 Lord Bacon: Essays.
10 Seneca.
11 Soame Jenyns: Internal Evid. of Christianity, Prop. 3.
12 “Whatever merit valour may have assumed among, with Christians it can pretend to none.”—Soame Jenyns: Internal Evid. of Christianity, Prop. 3.
13 Acts xx. 22.
14 Essay iii. c. 17.
15 Milton: Christian Doctrine, p. 624.
16 Hunter’s Memoirs.
17 Ad. Smith: Theo. Mor. Sent.
18 Dr. Price: Revolution Serm.
19 Fell’s Memoirs.
20 Sir R.K. Porter.
21 “Next to the guilt of those who commit wicked actions is that of the historian who glosses them over and excuses them.”—Southey: Book of the Church, c. 8.
22 Robertson: Disq. On Ancient Commerce of India.

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