A Walter Harding Bibliography



Civilized Disobedience (Genesco, NY: State University College, 1968)

The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, 1836-1849 (Rutgers University, 1950: unpublished doctoral dissertation)

The Days of Henry Thoreau (New York: Knopf, 1966. 2nd edition, New York: Dover, 1982; reprinted, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992)

Henry David Thoreau’s Walden and Civil Disobedience: A Study Guide (Bound Brook, NJ: Shelley, 1962)

The New Thoreau Handbook with Michael Meyer (New York: New York University Press, 1980)

A Thoreau Handbook (New York: New York University Press, 1959)

A Thoreau Iconography with Thomas Blanding (Genesco, NY: Thoreau Society, 1980)

A Thoreau Profile with Milton Meltzer (New York: Crowell, 1962; reprinted, Concord: Thoreau Foundation, 1969)


Works Edited or Compiled

A Bibliography of Thoreau Society Bulletin Bibliographies, 1941-1969: A Cumulation and Index (Troy, NY: Whitston, 1971)

A Centennial Check-list of the Editions of Henry David Thoreau’s Walden (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press for the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, 1954)

A Century of Criticism (Dallas: Southern University Methodist Press, 1954)

Alcott, Bronson. Essays on Education, 1830-1862, Together with the Town Reports for 1859-1861 and the School Reports for 1861-1862 of Concord, Massachusetts (Gainesville, FL: Scholars’ Facsimile & Reprints, 1960)

A Catalog of The Thoreau Society Archives in the Concord Free Public Library (Thoreau Society Booklet #29) (Geneseo, NY: The Thoreau Society, 1978)

Channing, William Ellery. The Collected Poems of William Ellery Channing, the Younger, 1817-1901 (Gainesville, FL: Scholars’ Facsimile & Reprints, 1967)

Ellis, Charles Mayo. An Essay on Transcendentalism (1842) (Gainesville, FL: Scholars’ Facsimile & Reprints, 1954; reprinted, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1970)

Emerson’s Library (Charlottesville: Published for the Bibliographical Society of Virginia by the University of Virginia Press, 1967)

Henry David Thoreau: A Profile (New York: Hill & Wang, 1971)

Henry David Thoreau: Studies and Commentaries edited with George Brenner and Paul A. Doyle (Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1972)

A Reference Index to Accompany Thoreau, Man of Concord (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961)

Sophia Thoreau’s Scrapbook: From the Collection of George L. Davenport Jr. (Thoreau Society Booklet #20) (Genesco, NY: Thoreau Society, 1964)

Thoreau, Henry David

  • The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, with Carl Bode (New York: New York University Press, 1958)
  • In the Woods and Fields of Concord: Selections from the Journals of Henry David Thoreau (Salt Lake City: Smith, 1982)
  • Journal (New York: Dover, 1963)
  • Journal (Salt lake City: Peregrine-Smith, 1984)
  • Mr. Thoreau Declines an Invitation: Two Unpublished Papers by Thoreau (Richmond: Attic Press, 1956)
  • The Selected Works of Thoreau (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1975)
  • Selections from the Journals (New York: Dover Publications, 1995)
  • Thoreau’s Turtle Nest: From the Journal Notes of Henry David Thoreau (Worcester, MA: A.J. St. Onge, 1967)
  • The Variorum Civil Disobedience (New York: Twayne, 1967)
  • The Variorum Walden (New York: Twayne, 1962; reprinted, New York: Pocket Books, 1968; New York: Washington Square, 1971)
  • The Variorum Walden and Civil Disobedience (New York: Washington Square, 1968)
  • Walden: An Annotated Edition (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1995)
  • A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers (New York: Holt, Rinehart, 1963)

Thoreau: A Century of Criticism (Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1954)

Thoreau as Seen by his his Contemporaries (New York: Dover Publication, 1989)

The Thoreau Centennial: Papers Marking the Observance in New York City of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Death of Henry David Thoreau (Thoreau Society Booklet # 21) (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1964)

The Thoreau Collectors’ Guide to Book Prices (Thoreau Society Booklet #26) (Geneseo, NY: Thoreau Society, 1971)

Thoreau, Man of Concord (New York: Holt, Rinehart, 1960)

The Thoreau Society Bulletin (Genesco, NY: Thoreau Society, 1941-1992)

Thoreau’s Library (Thoreau Society Booklet #11) (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1957)

Thoreau’s Minnesota Journey: Two Documents (Thoreau Society Booklet #16) (Genesco, NY: Thoreau Society, 1962; reprinted, New York: AMS Press, 1985)

Selected Short Pieces
Articles, Essays, Talks & Introductions

 “The Apple-Tree Table Talk” in The Boston Public Library Quarterly (VIII, October 1956, pp. 213-215.

“A Bee-Line with Thoreau” in Nature Outlook

“A Bibliographical Ghost” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #105

“A Bibliography of Thoreau in Music” in Studies in the American Renaissance (1992, pp 151-186)

“A Bibliography of Thoreau in Poetry, Fiction, and Drama” in Bulletin of Bibliography (XVIII, May-August 1943, pp. 15-18)

“C.P. Snow and Thoreau” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #70

“C.T. Jackson on Thoreau” in  Thoreau Society Bulletin #68

“A Calendar of the Correspondence of Henry D. Thoreau” with Carolyn Knappes, Randy F. Nelson, and Elizabeth Witherell, in Studies in the American Renaissance (1982, pp. 325-399)

“A Century of Thoreau” in Audubon Magazine (XLVII, March-April 1945, pp. 80-84)

“A Century of Walden” in Colorado Quarterly (III, Autumn 1954, pp. 186-199)

“A Check-list of Thoreau’s Lectures” in Bulletin of the New York Public Library (LII, February 1948, pp. 78-87)

“The Correspondence of Sophia Thoreau and Marianne Dunbar” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #33

“The Corruption of Walden” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #98

“Daniel Ricketson’s Copy of Walden” in The Harvard Library Bulletin (XV, October 1967, pp. 401-411)

“A Defense of Thoreau” in The Chicago Tribune (December 1, 1946; reprinted, slightly revised, in Yankee (XI, March 1947, pp. 26-27))

“’Delugeous’ or ‘Detergeous’” in CEAA Newsletter (I, March 1968, pp. 5-6; reprinted in Thoreau Society Bulletin #101)

“Did Thoreau Invent the Term ‘Civil Disobedience’” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #103

“Do Your Recognize Thoreau’s Style?” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #36

“An Early Thoreau Club” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #77

“Emerson, Thoreau, and Transcendentalism” in American Literary Scholarship: An Annual (1963, pp. 3-16)

“Einstein on Gandhi and Thoreau” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #45

“First Thoreau Edition Volumes to Printer” in Chronica (II, November 1968, pp. 8-11)

“Five Ways of Looking at Walden” in Massachusetts Review (IV, Autumn 1962, pp. 149-162; reprinted in Critical Essays on Henry David Thoreau’s Walden (Boston: G.K. Hall, 1988, pp. 85-95; Polish translation, “Walden, Piec Interpretacji,” in Tematy (II, Lato, 1963, pp. 129-145))

“Franklin B. Sanborn and Thoreau’s Letters” in The Boston Public Library Quarterly (III, October 1951, pp. 288-293)

“Frederick Tudor and Walden Woods” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #105

“Gandhi and Thoreau” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #23

“Gene Tunney on Thoreau” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #31

“A Gift from Walden Woods” in Home Garden (December 1967, pp. 29-36)

“The Grave of Thoreau” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #69

“Harvard Statutes and Laws: Some Footnotes on Thoreau’s College Days” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #34

“Henry D. Thoreau” in National Wildlife (V, December 1966, pp. 38-39)

“Henry D. Thoreau, Instructors” in Educational Forum (XXIX, November 1964, pp. 89-97)

“Henry David Thoreau” in The American Renaissance in New England (Dictionary of Literary Biography, volume 1) edited by Joel Myerson (Detroit: Gale, 1978, pp. 170-182) 

“Henry David Thoreau: A Checklist of His Correspondence” with Carl Bode, in The New York Public Library Bulletin (LIX, May 1955, pp. 227-252)

“Henry David Thoreau, Philologist” in Word Study (XIX #4, 1944, p. 7)

“Henry David Thoreau: Walden, or, Life in the Woods” in Landmarks of American Writing, edited by Hennig Cohen (New York: Basic Books, 1969, pp. 134-143)

“Henry Thoreau and Ellen Sewall” in The South Atlantic Quarterly (LXIV, Winter 1965, pp.100-109; Japanese translation in Shi To Sambun (XIII, April 1966, pp. 108-115)

“Henry Thoreau, Ghost Writer” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #38

“Henry Thoreau, Our American Saint Francis” in Our Dumb Animals (LXXVI, May 1943, p. 93)

“Hound, Bay Horse, and Turtledove” in Literary Symbolism, edited by Maurice Beebe (San Francisco: Wadsworth, 1960, pp. 59-62)

“An Index to the First 100 Thoreau Society Bulletins” (Thoreau Society Booklet #22) (Geneseo, NY: Thoreau Society, 1968)

“La Influencia de ‘Disobediencia Civil’” (translated into Spanish by V. Munoz) in Reconstruir (XXXIX, December 1965, pp. 41-50)

Introduction: Clear Sky, Pure Light: Encounters with Henry David Thoreau, compiled & edited by Christopher Childs; with an introduction by Walter Harding and wood engravings by Michael McCurdy (Lincoln, MA: Penmaen Press, 1978)

“Jack London and Thoreau” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #57

“A Late Revision in Thoreau’s Walden” in Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia Secretary’s News Sheet (#25, November 1952)

Letter to the editor in The New York Herald Tribune (June 8, 1945)

Letter to the editor in The New York Sun (April 27, 1945)

“Margaret Fuller” in Encyclopedia Americana (1973 ed, XII, p. 156)

“A New Checklist of the Books in Henry David Thoreau’s Library” in Studies in the American Renaissance (1983, pp. 151-186)

“A New Edition of Thoreau” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #97

“A New Sophia Thoreau Letter” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #87

“On Teaching Walden” in The Emerson Society Quarterly (XVIII, 1960, pp. 11-12)

“Parker Pillsbury, the Walden Cabin, and the Underground Railroad” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #198

“A Preliminary Checklist of the Editions of Walden” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #39

“Recent Scholarship on Emerson and Thoreau” in The Teacher and American Literature, edited by Lewis Leary (Champaign, IL: National Council of Teachers of English, 1965, pp. 81-88)

Review: The Roman Years of Margaret Fuller by Joseph Jay Deiss, in Library Journal (84, August 1969, p. 277)

Review, unsigned: Thoreau’s Minnesota Journey, in Minnesota History (September 1963)

“The Significance of Thoreau’s Walden” in The Humanist (V, Autumn 1945, pp. 115-121)

“Some Forgotten Reviews of Walden” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #46

“Some Unfamiliar Glimpses of Thoreau” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #69

“A Source for a Walden Anecdote” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #87

“Theo Brown and Henry Thoreau” (Thoreau Society Booklet #23) (Rochester, NY: Gaudeamus Press, 1968)

“This is a Beautiful World” in American Heritage (XIV, December 1962, pp.106-112)

“Thoreau” in The Word (VIII, October 1946, pp. 21; reprinted in The Beacon, January 1947))

“Thoreau and Bird Songs Celestial” in Audubon Magazine (XLVI, July1944, pp. 234-236)

“Thoreau and the Concord Lyceum” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #30

“Thoreau and ‘Ecology’ Correction” in Science (CXLIX, August 13, 1965, p. 707)

“Thoreau and Horace Greeley” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #11

“Thoreau and the Kalmucks: A Newly Discovered Manuscript” in New England Quarterly (XXXII, March 1959, pp. 91-92; Spanish translation, Thoreau y Los Calmucos,” in Voluntad (IV, September 1959, p. 4)

“Thoreau and Kate Brady” in American Literature (XXXVI, November 1964, pp. 347-349)

“Thoreau and Mann on the Minnesota River,  June, 1861” in Minnesota History (XXXVII, June 1961, pp. 225-228)

“Thoreau and the Negro” in Negro History Bulletin (October 1946; Spanishtranslation, “Thoreau y Los Negros,” in Voluntad, III, March 1959, p. 32; Japanese translation in Shi To Sambun, XVII, May 1968, pp, 47-50)

“Thoreau and the ‘Seven Years Itch’” in American Speech (XXIX, October 1954, p. 237)

“Thoreau and Timothy Dwight” in The Boston Public Library Quarterly (X, April 1958, pp. 109-115)

“Thoreau and the Worcester Ministers” in Nature Outlook (IX, Spring 1951, pp. 12-14 passim)

“Thoreau as Seen by Frederika Bremer” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #54

“Thoreau at the Boston Music Hall” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #105

“Thoreau at Fire Island” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #41

“Thoreau at Harvard” in Harvard Alumni Bulletin (LXVI, March 21, 1964, pp. 468-473)

“Thoreau at Walden” in Bulletin of the English Literature Society of Hiroshima Jogakuin College (IX, 1965, pp. 1-10)

“Thoreau Attends Quaker Meeting” in Friends Intelligencer (CI, May 6, 1944, pp.298-299)

“A Thoreau Iconography” with Thomas Blanding, in Studies in the American Renaiisance (1980, pp. 1-35; reprinted as Thoreau Society Booklet #30, 1980)

“Thoreau in Japan” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #90

“Thoreau in the Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #73

“Thoreau on the Concord Muster, 1859” in The Month at Goodpseeds (XXXIX, April 1968, p. 171)

“Thoreau on the Lecture Platform” in New England Quarterly (XXIV, September 1951, pp. 365-374)

“Thoreau, Pioneer of Civil Disobedience” in Fellowship (XII, July 1946, pp. 118-119 passim)

“Thoreau, Sensuous Transcendentalist” unpublished talk before the National Council of Teachers of English Convention, 23 November 1973

“Thoreau: The Camper in the Back Yard” in Horizon (VI, Autumn 1964, pp. 298-299)

“Thoreau’s ‘Civil Disobedience’” in The Compass (February 1943, pp. 13-14 passim)

“Thoreau’s Diploma” (Thoreau Society Booklet #5) (New Brunswick, NJ: Thoreau Society, 1948)

“Thoreau’s Fame Abroad” in The Boston Public Library Quarterly (IX, April 1959, pp. 94-101)

“Thoreau’s Feminine Foe” in PMLA (LXIX, March 1954, pp.110-116)

“Thoreau’s Professor Has His Say” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #46

“Thoreau’s Reputation” in The Cambridge Companion to Henry David Thoreau, edited by Joel Myerson (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995. pp. 1-11)

“Thoreau’s Sexuality” in Journal of Homosexuality (21, 1991, pp. 23-45)

“A Thoreauvian in Europe” in International Educational and Cultural Exchange (IV, Summer 1968, pp. 1-5)

“A Thoreauvian in Japan” in International Educational and Cultural Exchange (Fall 1965, pp. 20-24)

“Two F.B. Sanborn Letters” in American Literature (XXV, May 1953, pp. 230-234)

“Twelve Weeks of Thoreau’s Concord and Merrimack Rivers” unpublished

“Two Forgotten Bits of Thoreauviana” (Thoreau Society Booklet #14) (Geneseo, NY: Thoreau Society, 1959)

“Uncle Charlie Comes to Concord” in Nature Outlook (VII, Fall 1948, pp. 7-9)

“Visit to Wachusett, July 1842 by Richard Fuller” in Thoreau Society Bulletin #121

“Walden: Experiment in Freedom” (translated into Yiddish by Herman Frank) in Freie Arbeiter Stimme (June 29, 1945)

“Walden’s Philosopher as a Tutor of Children” in The Christian Science Monitor (June 30, 1966)


