This well-planned periodical is what is much wanted by young persons in this country who wish to make a knowledge of life in France and the French language familiar to their minds and tongues. Those who are learning to speak and write the language need a constantly fresh means of interest, such as this furnishes, and they will also be aided in choosing books, by its table of intelligence. Those who have known Mr. Berteau, both here and elsewhere, need only to be informed of the existence of this periodical to become subscribers, and will sustain him in the following assertion:
“As a guaranty of our ability to carry on our enterprise, we may say, without presumption, that seven or eight years spent in teaching French, both in Boston and New York, and nearly as long a time in the trade of foreign books which we still continue, have made us conversant with the manners and habits of the people, and well acquainted with their tastes; and that our constant intercourse with Europe and our extensive collection of books, increased daily by importations of all the most interesting works, place at our disposition unusual means to fulfil the duties we undertake.”
There is in the number before us a pretty story by Gautier, of precisely the sort teachers so often seek in vain, as suitable reading for their pupils; and a selection of such for succeeding numbers is promised.*
“Revue Francaise des Familles . . .” New-York Daily Tribune, 4 February 1845, p. 1.