Some Murmur at the want of a system.

From: The Dial, Vol. I, No. I (July 1840).
Published: Weeks Jordan and Company 1840 Boston

Some murmur at the “want of system” in Richter’s writings.

A LABYRINTH! a flowery wilderness!
Some in thy “Slip-boxes” and “Honey-moons”
Complain of—want of order, I confess,
But not of system, in its highest sense.
Who asks a guiding clue through this wide mind,
In love of Nature, such will surely find;
In tropic climes, live like the tropic bird,
Whene’er a spice-fraught grove may tempt thy stay,
Nor be by cares of colder climes disturbed,—
No frost the Summer’s bloom shall drive away.
Nature’s wide temple, and the azure dome,
Have plan enough for the free spirit’s home!

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