Sonnet III. The Abolitionists.

From: The Bird and the Bell with Other Poems (1875)
Author: Christopher Pearse Cranch
Published: Osgood and Company 1875 Boston



BRAVE men, far-sighted seers! who on the rim
Of your high battlements looked clearly forth
Over the fog that stretched from south to north,
And called with warning voices down the dim
Blind valleys, “Men are children all of Him
Who made us all,”—our cause for pride is slight,
That now so late we sec the eternal Right
Shining like wings of heavenly seraphim.
True prophets, who discerned the cloud of war
Rise from the mist of long, delusive peace,
Pardon the eyes that could not pierce so far.
Long since the people’s fears and doubtings cease;
Our hands no longer in the darkness grope:
We share with you your toil, your faith, your hope.

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