After walking by night several times, I now walk by day, but I am not aware of any crowning advantage in it.ā€”Journal, 15 June 1851
Ask me for a certain number of dollars if you will, but do not ask me for my afternoons.ā€”Journal, 16 September 1859
By my intimacy with nature I find myself withdrawn from man. My interest in the sun and the moon, in the morning and the evening, compels me to solitude.ā€”Journal, 26 July 1851
Early in the morning I worked barefooted, dabbling like a plastic artist in the dewy and crumbling sand, but later in the day the sun blistered my feet.ā€”Walden
How swiftly the earth appears to revolve at sunset which at midday appears to rest on its axle.ā€”Journal, 21 December 1851
I awoke into a music which no one about me heard. Whom shall I thank for it?ā€”Journal, 22 June 1851
I do not so much wish to know how to economize time as how to spend it, by what means to grow rich, that the day may not have been in vain.ā€”Journal, 7 September 1851
I long for wildness, a nature which I cannot put my foot through, woods where the wood thrush forever sings, where the hours are early morning ones, and there is dew on the grass, and the day is forever unproved, where I might have a fertile unknown for a soil about me.ā€”Journal, 22 June 1853
I sometimes awake in the night and think of friendship and its possibilities, a new life and revelation to me, which perhaps I had not experienced for many months.ā€”Journal, 13 July 1857
I wake up in the night to these higher levels of life, as to a day that begins to dawn, as if my intervening life had been a long night.ā€”Journal, 13 July 1857
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