As a mother loves to see her child imbibe nourishment and expand, so God loves to see his children thrive on the nutriment he has furnished them.ā€”Journal, 22 January 1859
Children appear to me as raw as the fresh fungi on a fence rail.ā€”Journal, 7 November 1839
Every child begins the world again.ā€”Walden
I cannot but believe that acorns were intended to be the food of man. They are agreeable to the palate as the mother's milk to the babe.ā€”Journal, 8 October 1851
I suspect that the child plucks its first flower with an insight into its beauty & significance which the subsequent botanist never retains.ā€”Journal, 5Ā  February 1852
I sympathize not today with those who go to church in newest clothes and sit quietly in straight-backed pews. I sympathize rather with the boy who has none to look after him, who borrows a boat and paddle and in common clothes sets out to explore these temporary vernal lakes.ā€”Journal, 3 May 1857
It is folly to attempt to educate children within a city. The first step must be to remove them out of it.ā€”Journal,Ā  25 July 1851
It is remarkable that no pains is taken to teach children to distinguish colors. I am myself uncertain about the names of many.ā€”Journal, 28 January 1852
The child may soon stand face to face with the best father.ā€”Journal, 12 February 1841
The mother tells her falsehoods to her child, but thank Heaven, the child does not grow up in its parent's shadow.ā€”A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
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