
Bicentennial Read

No upcoming events
Read events reported to the WWP from host sites across the state


No upcoming events
Public forums

Friends of Walden Pond

No upcoming events
These events (usually) take place at the Walden Pond State Reservation and are supported by the Walden Woods Project in our capacity as the Friends [...]


No upcoming events


Next Event

Thoreau, Landscape Scale Wildlands & Natural Democracy with Jamie Sayen - Wednesday, September 18, 2024 - 6:15 pm - 7:45 pm

See All

Public lectures
Modern Lyceum

Modern Lyceum

No upcoming events

Nature/Outdoor Event

No upcoming events

One Day Workshops

No upcoming events
One day professional development workshops.

Professional Development

No upcoming events
Events for professional development. These show in the education part of the site on the "Professional Development Opportunities" page.

Special Event

Next Event

Thoreau, Landscape Scale Wildlands & Natural Democracy with Jamie Sayen - Wednesday, September 18, 2024 - 6:15 pm - 7:45 pm

See All


