A man may esteem himself happy when that which is his food is also his medicine.—A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers 
A man may use as simple a diet as the animals, and yet retain health and strength.—Walden
Ah dear nature—the mere remembrance, after a short forgetfulness, of the pine woods! I come to it as a hungry man to a crust of bread.—Journal, 12 December 1851
All a man's strength and all his weakness go to make up the authority of any particular opinion which he may utter. He is strong or weak with all his strength and weakness combined. If he is your friend, you may have to consider that he loves you, but perchance he also loves gingerbread.—Journal, 16 February 1854
[A]nd even the sepals from which the birds have picked the berries are a brilliant lake-red, with crimson flame-like reflections, equal to anything of the kind,—all on fire with ripeness.—"Autumnal Tints"
Brown is the color for me, the color of our coats and our daily lives, the color of the poor man’s loaf. The bright tints are pies and cakes, good only for October feasts, which would make us sick if eaten every day.—Journal, 28 March 1859
Drink the wines not of your bottling but nature's bottling—not kept in goat skins or pig skins but the skins of a myriad fair berries.—Journal, 23 August 1853
Friendship is the fruit which the year should bear; it lends its fragrance to flowers, and it is in vain if we get only a large crop of apples without it.—Journal, 13 July 1857
Going a-berrying implies more things than eating the berries.—"Huckleberries"
He who distinguishes the true savor of his food can never be a glutton; he who does not cannot be otherwise.—Walden
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