the Thoreau Log.
31 July 1850. Boston, Mass.

Charles Sumner replies to Thoreau’s letter of 29 July:

My dear Sir,

  I desire to thank you for your kindness in writing me with regard to the remains of a human body found on the beach last Saturday. From what you write & from what I hear from others, it seems impossible to identify them. If the body of my brother could be found, it would be a great satisfaction to us to bury him with those of his family who have gone before him.

  Believe me, clear Sir, faithfully & gratefully Yours,

  Charles Sumner

(The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, 264)

The Boston Transcript relays information from the New-York Tribune notice of 30 July (Thoreau Society Bulletin, no. 182 (Winter 1988):4).

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