Thoreau writes in his journal:
When I entered the interior meadow of Gowing’s Swamp I heard a slight snort, and found that I had suddenly come upon a woodchuck amid the sphagnum, lambkill, Kalmia glauca, andromeda, cranberry, etc., there. It was only seven feet off, and, being surprised, would not run. It would only stand erect from time to time,—perfectly erect with its blackish paws held like hands near together in front,—just so as to bring its head, or eyes, above the level of the lambkill, kalmia, etc., and look round, turning now this ear toward me, then that; and every now and then it would make a short rush at me, half a foot or so, with a snort, and then draw back, and also grit its teeth—which it showed—very audibly, with a rattling sound, evidently to intimidate me . . .