the Thoreau Log.
29 June 1858. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  P.M.—To Walden.

  Bathing in the cove by railroad . . . (Journal, 10:511).

Thoreau also writes to H.G.O. Blake:

Mr. Blake,—

  Edward Hoar and I propose to start for the White Mountains in a covered wagon, with one horse, on the morning of Thursday the 1st of July, intending to explore the mountain tops botanically, and camp on them at least several times. Will you take a seat in the wagon with us? Mr. Hoar prefers to hire the horse and wagon himself. Let us hear by express, as soon as you can, whether you will join us here by the earliest train Thursday morning, or Wednesday night. Bring your map of the mountains, and as much provision for the road as you can,—hard bread, sugar, tea, meat, etc.,—for we intend to live like gipsies; also, a blanket and some thick clothes for the mountain top.

(The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, 516-517)

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