Springfield, Mass. Thoreau writes to Charles Sumner:
I left Fire Island Beach on Saturday between nine & ten o’clock A. M. The same morning I saw on the beach, four or five miles west of the wreck, a portion of a human skeleton, which was found the day before, probably from the Elisabeth, but I have not knowledge enough of anatomy to decide confidently, as many might, whether it was that of a male or a female. I therefore hired Selah Strong, Keeper of the Light, to bury it simply for the present, and mark the spot, leaving it to future events, or a trustworthy examination, to decide the question.
Yrs in haste
Henry D. Thoreau
P.S. No more bodies had then been found.
Sumner replies 31 July.
New York, N.Y. The New-York Daily Tribune reports:
Concord, Mass. Ralph Waldo Emerson writes to Abby Larkin Adams: