the Thoreau Log.
28 June 1835. Cambridge, Mass.

Thoreau starts the first term of his junior year, rooming alone in Hollis no. 31 and taking the following classes:

  • Greek composition with Cornelius C. Felton; reading Homer’s Iliad
  • Latin composition with Charles Beck with “extemporaneous translation into Latin”; reading D. Junii Juvenalis Satirae expurgatae. Accedunt notae anglicae. In usum scholae bostoniensis. Cura F. P. Leverett
  • Theology with Henry Ware; reading A view of the evidences of Christianity by William Paley and The analogy of religion, natural and revealed, to the constitution and course of nature by Joseph Butler
  • Mental Philosophy with Joel Giles; reading The principles of moral and political philosophy by Paley and Elements of the philosophy of the human mind by Dugald Stewart
  • English with Edward T. Channing (bi-weekly themes) and Forensics with Channing and Giles
  • French with Francis Surault
  • German with Hermann Bokum
(Thoreau’s Harvard Years, part 1:16; A Catalogue of Officers and Students of Harvard University for the Academical Year 1835-36, 16)

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