Ralph Waldo Emerson writes to Margaret Fuller:
Henry Thoreau, to whom I had written to ask aid from [Charles] Lane, writes me that Lane has supplied him with a paper on “Alcott’s Convers. on Gospels” which by the authority confided to him H. T. concludes to print. I shall instruct him to let the printer who is to go on with it immediately send you a duplicate of the last sheet in sign that he is waiting for you then you shall fill 20 or 30 pages, if you will & can, without killing, or, which is tantamount, untuning you & precluding the glad & flowing tasks of the Spring days. And when you have done, let the printer send to H. D. T. a duplicate of the sheet, in token.
(The Letters of Ralph Waldo Emerson, 3:148-149)