the Thoreau Log.
23 August 1854. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal: 

  P.M.—To Gowing’s Swamp and Hadlock Meadows. 

  I improve the dry weather to examine the middle of Gowing’s Swamp . . .  Next comes, half a dozen rods wide, a dense bed of Andromeda calyculata,—the A. Polifolia mingled with it,—the rusty cotton-grass, cranberries,—the common and also V. Oxycoccus,—pitcher-plants, sedges, and a few young spruce and larch here and there,—all on sphagnum, which forms little hillocks about the stems of the andromeda . . .

(Journal, 6:467-469)

Philadelphia, Penn. Walden is reviewed in the Dollar Magazine.

Springfield, Mass. Walden is reviewed in the Springfield Daily Republican.

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