the Thoreau Log.
23 August 1851. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  Saturday. To Walden to bathe at 5.30 A.M. . . . At the commencement of my walk I saw no traces of fog, but after detected fogs over particular meadows and high up some brooks’ valleys, and far in the Deep Cut the wood fog. First muskmelon this morning . . . P.M.—Walk to Annursnack and back over stone bridge . . . Our little river reaches are not to be forgotten. I noticed that seen northward on the Assabet from the Causeway Bridge near the second stone bridge. There was [a] man in a boat in the sun, just disappearing in the distance round a bend, lifting high his arms and dipping his paddle as if he were a vision bound to land of the blessed,—far off, as in picture.
(Journal, 2:419-423)

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