Thoreau writes to George Augustus Thatcher:
The first thing I saw on being introduced to the Portland Lyceum last evening was your letter . . . Mr. [Ralph Waldo] Emerson follows me here. I am just in the midst of printing my book, which is likely to turn out much larger than I expected. I shall advertise another, “Walden, or Life in the Woods,” in the first which by the way I call “A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers.” When I get through with this business, if nothing else occurs to prevent I shall enjoy a visit to you and to Maine very much, but I do not promise myself as yet, nor do I wish you or Maine to promise yourselves ot me. I leave for Boston in a few moments. Remember me to all friends—
Yours in haste
Henry D. Thoreau.
PS. I thank you again and again for your exertions in my behalf