the Thoreau Log.
2 May 1859. Concord, Mass.
Thoreau writes in his journal:

  Small pewee and young lackey caterpillars.

  I see on the Salix rostrata by railroad many honeybees laden with large and peculiarly orange-colored pellets of its pollen.

  P.M.—Up Assabet . . .

  A peetweet and its mate at Mantatuket Rock. The river seems really inhabited when the peetweet is back and those little light-winged millers (?). This bird does not return to our stream until the weather is decidedly pleasant and warm. He is perched on the accustomed rock. Its note peoples the river, like the prattle of cattle onece more in the yard of a house that has stood empty . . .

(Journal, 12:174-175)

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