the Thoreau Log.
2 April 1849.

New York, N.Y. The New-York Daily Tribune notes Thoreau’s recent lectures:

☞ HENRY D. THOREAU of Concord, Mass. has recently been lecturing on ‘Life in the Woods,’ in Portland and elsewhere. There is not a young man in the land—and very few old ones—who would not profit by an attentive hearing of that lecture. Mr. Thoreau is a young student, who has imbibed (or rather refused to stifle) the idea that a man’s soul is better worth living for than his body. Accordingly, he has built him a house ten by fifteen feet in a piece of unfrequented woods by the side of a pleasant little lakelet, where he devotes his days to study and reflection, cultivating a small plot of ground, living frugally on vegetables, and working for the neighboring farmers whenever he is in need of money or additional exercise. it thus costs him some six to eight week’s rugged labor per year to earn his food and clothes, and perhaps an hour or two per day extra to prepare his food and fuel, keep his house in order, &c.—He has lived in this way four years, and his total expenses for last year were $41.25, and his surplus earnings at the close were $13.21, which he considers a better result than almost any of the farmers of Concord could show, though they have worked all the time. By this course Mr. Thoreau lives free from pecuniary obligation or dependence on others, except that he borrows some books, which is an equal pleasure to lender and borrower. The man on whose land he is a squatter si no wise injured nor inconvenienced thereby. If all our young men would but hear this lecture, we think some among them would feel less strongly impelled either to come to New-York or got to California.
(New-York Daily Tribune, April 2, 1849)

See entries 7 and 10 April.

Concord, Mass. Thoreau’s father’s petition to have a road built out to his and other properties is approved:

  The undersigned respectfully petition the Selectmen of Concord to accept of a road given by David Loring leading from the west side of the Railroad track, by land of David Loring, Ebenezer Hubbard, Francis Buttrick, Nathan W. Brooks, & John Thoreau, to land of said Loring.

  They also request them to continue the same easterly across the said Railroad track, to the road leading by the House occupied by Mr Wilde which is 453 4/10 feet from the switch to said road to be 50 feet in width.

  John Thoreau

  Nathan W. Brooks

  Eben Hubbard

  Francis Buttrick

  Phillip J. Johnson

(Town of Concord Archives. Special Collections, Concord (Mass.) Public Library)

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