Thoreau replies to the Association for the Advancement of Science’s letter of around 5 March:
(To be returned to S. F. Baird, Washington, with the blanks filled.)
Name Henry D(avid) Thoreau
Occupation (Professional, or otherwise). Literary and Scientific, combined with Land-surveying
Post-office address Henry D. Thoreau Concord, Mass.
Branches of science in which especial interest is felt The Manners & Customs of the Indians of the Algonquin Group previous to contact with the civilized man.
Remarks I may add that I am an observer of nature generally, and the character of my observations, so far as they are scientific, may be inferred from the fact that I am especially attracted by such books of science as White’s Selborne and Humboldt’s “Aspects of Nature.”
With thanks for your “Directions,” received long since I remain
Yrs &c
Henry D. Thoreau.
My debt has accumulated so that I should have answered your last letter at once, if I had not been the subject of what is called a press of engagements, having a lecture to write for last Wednesday, and surveying more than usual besides. It has been a kind of running fight with me,—the enemy not always behind me, I trust.
True, a man cannot lift himself by his own waistbands, because he cannot get out of himself; but he can expand himself (which is better, there being no up nor own in nature), and so split his waistbands, being already within himself.
You speak of doing and being, and the vanity, real or apparent, of much doing. The suckers—I think it is they—make nests in our river in the spring of more than a cart-load of small stones, amid which to deposit their ova. The other day I opened a muskrat’s house. It was made of weeds, five feet broad at base, and three feet high, and farand low within it was a little cavity, only a foot in diameter, where the rat dwelt. It may seem trivial, this piling up of weeds, but so the race of the muskrats is preserved. We must heap up a great pile of doing, for a small diameter of being. It is not imperative on us that we do something, if we only work in a treadmill? And, indeed, some sort of revolving is necessary to produce a centre and nucleus of being. What exercise is to the body, employment is to the mind and morals. Consider what an amount of drudgery must be performed,—how much humdrum and prosaic labor goes to any work of the least value. There are so many layers of mere white lime in every shell to that thin inner one so beautifully tinted. Let not the shell-fish think to build his house of that alone; and pray, what are its tint to him? Is it not his smooth, close-fitting shirt merely, whose tints are not to him, being in the ark, but only when he is gone or dead, and his shell is heaved up to light, a wrech upon the beach, do they appear, With him too, it is a Song of the Shirt, “Work, -work, -work!” And the work is not merely a police in the gross sense, but in the higher sense a discipline. If it is surely the means to the highest end we know, can any work be humble or disgusting? Will it not rather be elevation as a ladder, the means by which we are translated? How admirably the artist is made to accomplish his self-culture by devotion to his art! The wood-sawyer, through his effort to do his work well, becomes not merely a better wood sawyer, but measurably a better man. Few are the men that can work of their navels, only some Brahmins that I have heard of, To the painter is given some paint and canvas instead; to the Irishman a hog, typical of himself In a thousand apparently humble ways men busy themselves to make some right take the place of some wrong, —if it is only to make a better pasteblacking, and they are themselves so much the better morally for it.
You say that you do not succeed much. Does it concern you enough that you do not? Do you work hard enough at it? Do you get the benefit of discipline out of it? If so, preserve. It is a more serious thing than to walk a thousand miles in a thousand successive hours? Do you get any corns by it? Do you ever think of hanging yourself on the account of failure?
If you are going into that line,—going to besiege the city of God,—you must not only be strong in engines, but prepared with provisions to starve out the garrison. An Irishman came to see me to—day, who is endeavoring to get his family out to this New World. He rises at half past for, milk twenty-eight cows (which has swollen the joints of his fingers), and eats his breakfast, without and milk in his tea or coffee, before six; and so on, day after day, for six and a half dollars a month; and thus he keep his virtue in him, if he does not add to it; and he regards me as a gentleman able to assist him; but if I ever get to be a gentleman, it will be by working after my fashion harder than he does. If my joints are not swollen, it must be because I deal with the teats of celestial cows before breakfast (and the milker in this case is always allowed some of the milk for his breakfast), to say nothing of the flocks and herds of Admetus afterward.
It is the art of mankind to polish the work, and everyone who works is scrubbing in some part.
If the work is high and far,
You must not aim aright,
But draw the bow with all your might.
You must qualify yourself to use a bow which no humbler archer can bend.
“Work, -work, -work!”
Who shall know it for a bow? It is not of yew-tree. It is straighter than a ray of light; flexibility is not known for one of its qualities.
Note: Thoreau continues to write the letter on December 22
So far I had got when I called off to survey. Pray read the life of Haydon the painter, if you have not. It is a small revelation for these latter days; a great satisfaction to know that he has lived, though he is now dead. Have you met with the letter of a Turkish cadi at the end of Layard’s “Ancient Babylon”? that also is refreshing, and a capita comment on the whole cook which precedes it,—the Oriental genius speaking though him.
Those Brahmins “put it through.” They come off, or rather stand still, conquerors, with some withereds arms or legs at least to show; and they are said to have cultivated the faculty of abstraction to a depree unknown to Europeans. If we cannot sing of faith and triumph, we will sing our despair. We will be that kind of bird. There are day owls, and there are night owls, and each is beautiful and even musical while about its business.
Might you not find some positive work to do with your back to Church and State, letting your back do all the rejection of them? Can you not go upon your pilgrimage, Peter, along the winding mountain path wither you face? A step more will make those funeral church bells over your shoulder sound dar and sweet as a natural sound.
“Work, -work, -work!”
Why not make a very large mud-pie and bake it in the sun. Only put no Church nor State into it, nor upset any other pepper-box that way. Dog out a woodchuck,—for that has nothing to do with rotting institutions. Go ahead.
Whether a man spends his day in an ecstasy or despondency, he must do some work to show for it, even as there are flesh and bones to show for him. We are superior to the joy we experience.
Your last two letters, methinks, have more nerve and will in them than usual, as if you had erected yourself more. Why are not they good work, if you only had a hundred correspondents to tax you?
Make your failure tragical by the earnestness and steadfastness of your endeavour, and then it will not differ from success. Prove it to be the inevitable fate of mortals, of one mortal, if you can.
You said that you were writing on Immortality. I wish you would communicate to me what you know about that. You are sure to live while that is your theme.
Thus I write on some text which a sentence of your letters may have furnished.
I think of coming to see you as soon as I get a new coat, if I have money enough left, I will write you again.