the Thoreau Log.
17 May 1853. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  5 A.M.—To Island by boat . . .

  P.M.—To Corner Spring and Fair Haven Cliff . . .

  Returning toward Fair Haven, I perceive at Potter’s fence the first whiff of that ineffable fragrance from the Wheeler meadow . . . Sit on Cliffs . . . Returning slowly, I sit on the wall of the orchard by the white pine . . . Coming home from Spring by Potter’s Path to the Corner road in the dusk, saw a dead-leaf-colored hylodes . . .

(Journal, 5:162-170)

Thoreau also surveys land for John Raynolds (A Catalog of Thoreau’s Surveys in the Concord Free Public Library, 10; Henry David Thoreau papers. Special Collections, Concord (Mass.) Free Public Library).

Log Index

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