Concord, Mass. Thoreau surveys a woodlot near Ministerial Swamp for Cyrus Stow (A Catalog of Thoreau’s Surveys in the Concord Free Public Library, 11; Henry David Thoreau papers. Special Collections, Concord (Mass.) Free Public Library).
Thoreau also writes in his journal:
Clinton, Mass. Franklin Forbes writes to Thoreau:
As one of the Committee on Lectures of the Bigelow Mechanic Institute of this town, I wish to ascertain if you will deliver your lecture on “Cap[e] Cod” before the Institute on either Wednesday Evening of the month of January—
An early answer will much oblige
Yrs respectfully,
Franklin Forbes
P.S. If you prefer any other lecture of yours to the above mentioned, please name a day on which you can deliver it.
Thoreau replies 15 November.