the Thoreau Log.
14 March 1835. Cambridge, Mass.

Thoreau finishes the second term of his sophomore year, ranking seventh in a class of 44 students. He earned 1,538 points, for a grand total of 7,744. Starts his third term, taking the following classes:

  • Mathematics taught by Benjamin Peirce; reading An Elementary Treatise on Mechanics by John Farrar
  • Greek composition, grammar, and antiquities taught by Cornelius C. Felton; reading Euripides’ Alcestis
  • Latin composition taught by Charles Beck; reading Seneca’s Medea and Horace’s epistles and satires
  • English taught by Edward T. Channing with weekly declamation and bi-weekly themes; reading Richard Whately’s Logic
  • French taught by Francis Surault
(Thoreau’s Harvard Years, part 1:15-16)

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