the Thoreau Log.
11 September 1851. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  2 P.M.—To Hubbard’s Meadow Grove.

  The skunk-cabbage’s checkered fruit (spadix), one three inches long; all parts of the flower but the anthers left and enlarged. Bidens cernua, or nodding burrmarigold, like a small sunflower (with rays) in Heywood Brook, i.e. beggar-tick. Bidens connata (?), without rays, in Hubbard’s Meadow. Blue-eyed grass still. Drooping neottia very common. I see some yellow butterflies and others occasionally and singly only. The smilax berries are mostly turned dark. I started a great bittern from the weeds at the swimming-place.

(Journal, 2:490-494)

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