the Thoreau Log.
10 September 1844. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau’s father purchases a plot of land from David Loring:

  David Loring to John Thoreau—Know all men by these Presents, That I, David Loring of Concord in the County of Middlesex Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in consideration of Twenty five dollars to me paid by John Thoreau, the receipt wherof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby give, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said Thoreau a certain tract of land lying in said Concord bounded as follows commencing at the Southeasterly corner on a street and by land of Nathan W. Brook one hundred and seventy seven feet to a stake and stones, then westerly on land of the grantor one hundred and eighty feet to a stake and stones, then southerly on land of the grantor two hundred and five feet to said street, thence Easterly on said Street one hundred and seventy five feet to the bound first mentioned and containing about three fourths of an acres more or less.

  To have and to hold the above granted premises with the privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging, to the said Thoreau, his heirs and assigns, to their use and behoof forever. And I the said Loring for myself and my heirs, executors and administrators, do covenant with the said Thoreau, his heirs and assigns that I lawfully seized in fee of the afore granted premises; that they are free from all incumbrances, that I have good right to sell and convey the same to the said Thoreau, his heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claims and demands of all persons.

  In witness whereof, the said David Loring and Susan F. Loring wife of David in token of her relinquishment to right to Dower in the premises, have hereunto set our hands and seals this tenth day of September in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and forty four. Executed and delivered, David Loring (seal), Susan F. Loring (seal). in the presence of us, George Loring, Lydia A. Loring Middlesex ss. Sept. 10th, 1844. Then personally appeared the above named David Loring and acknowledged the above Instrument to his free (act) and deed, Before Me, Nathan Brooks, Justice of the Peace, Middlesex ss. Sept. 14, 1844. Rec’d & Recorded by Henry Stone (?), Reg.

(Thoreau Society Bulletin 191 (Spring 1990):5-6)

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